Teagirl’s Tea Journey
My journey as ‘teagirl’ started 16 years ago with my very first teashop – The Tea Emporium. It has been a long and winding road – to be philosophical about it – and one that has taken me to places I didn’t always expect. There are a few fundamental principles however that have always stayed strong in my core.
- Respect the product. I have always had a profound respect for the process and people that make tea. That respect extends to those plucking the tea in the fields, to the factory workers and tea garden managers, to the brokers, importers and packers. This vast industry called tea, has a long history filled with passionate people who act as the custodians of tea for the time that we have with it.
- Have fun with the product. Respecting the product, doesn’t always mean being deadly serious about it. It is after all…tea. Drink it the way you like. Add to it what you want. It may be straight, single estate high end tea at times, and at other times it may be something fun and fruity.
- Always seek knowledge. Stay thirsty…for information. Read all that you can – critically sometimes. Attend seminars – because every one of us has our own style in communicating tea knowledge. And most important, stay humble – nobody knows everything there is to know about tea, or any subject for that matter.